Cognitome LLC

An image with the title "Cognitome Program" showing the logo of the program with the letter "C" stylized in a unique way.

'Mind your Brain’s Connectome'

“Human brain is a vastly adaptable organ with trillions of neural connections. We can re-wire our brain by creating entirely new neural pathways by exploiting its neuroplastic nature. This presents tremendous opportunities towards learning new skills and behavior and unlearn patterns of thinking blocking personal and professional growth. The best part is this can be done at any age or stage of your life & from anywhere in the world in this digital era. The “Cognitome Program” is an outcome of years of research and studies blending the elements from neuroscience and neuropsychology to help everyone tap the vast reservoir of resources available in the brain. All it takes is an inquisitive mind and a spark to make your tomorrow better than your today.

Come, Let’s start together the journey to explore the infinite potential of the brain to enrich our mind and behavior and live a healthier, happier, and fulfilling lives.”

An image with the title "Trident" showing a trident symbol with the letter "C" stylized in a unique way.

Dr. Mohita Shrivastava, Ph.D, Founder, Director & CEO


Why Congnitome Program?

With our Congitome program you can experience unparalleled cognitive skills enhancement & improvement of cognitive functions. Guided by the concept of neuroplasticity, our innovative program empowers you to unlock your cognitive potential. Through cutting-edge methodologies and personalized strategies, we facilitate cognitive enhancement by leveraging the brain’s neuroplasticity. Whether you seek to boost memory retention, attention, enhance critical thinking and creative thinking or to optimise overall cognitive functions, Cognitome program offers a transformative journey tailored to your unique cognitive needs. So let us accompany you on this extraordinary journey towards cognitive empowerment and discover the endless possibilities that awaits you.

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Why Congnitome Program?

With our Congitome program you can experience unparalleled cognitive skills enhancement & improvement of cognitive functions. Guided by the concept of neuroplasticity, our innovative program empowers you to unlock your cognitive potential. Through cutting-edge methodologies and personalized strategies, we facilitate cognitive enhancement by leveraging the brain’s neuroplasticity. Whether you seek to boost memory retention, attention, enhance critical thinking and creative thinking or to optimise overall cognitive functions, Cognitome program offers a transformative journey tailored to your unique cognitive needs. So let us accompany you on this extraordinary journey towards cognitive empowerment and discover the endless possibilities that awaits you.

An image with the title "Trident" showing a trident symbol with the letter "C" stylized in a unique way.

Mentor(s) Blessings

"Dr. Mohita Shrivastava is an expert neuropsychologist and an internationally trained neuroscientist. She has dedicated her life to understand the mysteries of brain, mind and behavior using scientific approaches. "Cognitome Program" is her brainchild, which uses scientific methods and innovative therapeutic approaches to resolve the issues related with brain, mind, and behavior. As a veteran neurologist, I witnessed chronic anxiety, PTSD, neurological patients with cognitive decline, treated by her with very impressive treatment strategies. I endorse Cognitome Program and its broad therapeutic approaches without any hesitation. I am certain that Cognitome will go a long way and help to solve issues related with brain, mind and behavior."

Professor Dr. Madhuri Behari. MD, DM (Neurology), Former Head, Department of Neurology, AIIMS, New Delhi, Founding President of Movement Disorders Society of India, Former Chair, Education Committee of International Society of Movement Disorders & Parkinson Disease & Consultant Neurologist, Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi , India

"Dr. Mohita Shrivastava is an extraordinarily trained neuroscientist. Her experience spans high-level work from the molecule to the individual person. This gives her unique perspective on matters of brain and mind health. The Cognitome program she has developed is grounded in the latest science and has enormous potential to produce results."

Professor Dr. Russell Swerdlow, Professor of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, Director, University of Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center , Gene and Marge Sweeney Professor, Kansas University Medical Centre, Kansas City, USA

"Dr. Mohita is a very experienced neuroscientist. The ‘Cognitome Program’ is a result of her years of hard-work, dedication,experience, profound knowledge and pragmatic insights. I am confident that this path breaking approach will provide excellent results among the masses in the issues related to brain & mind."

Professor Dr. Vivekanadhan S, Professor Emeritus, Ex-HoD, Department of Neurobiochemistry Neurosciences, Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi, India

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An image with the title "Trident" showing a trident symbol with the letter "C" stylized in a unique way.

Frequently Asked Questions

We offer programs in both modes. For online participants, zoom sessions are scheduled at a mutually convenient time. We are also open to a hybrid program (mix of onsite and online)
On an average the Cognitome Program is expected to last for a minimum period of 3 months and for a maximum period of 6 to 9 months depending upon the individual’s progress and desire to achieve results.
Cognitome Program offers a highly individualistic & customized POA (Plan of Action) based on evaluation & results of everyone. It varies according to the type of issue individual is facing and its severity (mild, moderate, or intensive). Therefore, it may or may not be same for two individuals due to individual differences, progression & type of disorders & above all client’s own willingness
Cognitome Program strictly follows neuroscientific research protocols, training& therapeutic approach in a holistic & scientific manner for resolving brain & mind related issues.The role of neuroscience in the Cognitome Program can be understood by the following quotes mentioned by the famous neurologists, psychologists, and neuroscientists. "Plasticity is an intrinsic property of the human brain and represents evolution’s invention to enable the nervous system to escape the restrictions of its own genome and thus adapt to environmental pressures, physiologic changes, and experiences". — Philippa Perry, British Psychotherapist, Couch Fiction: A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy "Mr. L. did not get better all at once. He had first to experience cycles of separations, dreams, depressions, and insights—the repetition, or 'working through,' required for long-term neuroplastic change. New ways of relating had to be learned, wiring new neurons together, and old ways of responding had to be unlearned, weakening neuronal links. Because Mr. L. had linked the ideas of separation and death, they were wired together in his neuronal networks. Now that he was conscious of his association, he could unlearn it." ― Norman Doidge, The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science "Specifically, cognitive exercise – that is, activity that keeps the brain active, like crosswords, reading, driving, learning new skills, and having responsibilities – was protective." ― David Eagleman, The Brain: The Story of You
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