Cognitome LLC

An image with the title "Cognitome Program" showing the logo of the program with the letter "C" stylized in a unique way.


Neuroplastic changes within the brain & neuromodulation normally take an average of 33 or 51 days to begin & is directly linked to the severity of Brain damage/stress/aging etc. An additional 3 sets of 33 or 2 sets of 51 days of dedicated customized training is needed as per client’s progress or improvement.

We do not prescribe any medication(s) as a part of undergoing program. We do not interfere with the client’s undergoing medication protocol. Any prescription of medicines is strictly restricted to clients Medical Doctor’s advice.

We offer programs in both modes. For online participants, zoom sessions are scheduled at a mutually convenient time. We are also open to a hybrid program (mix of onsite and online).

On an average the Cognitome Program is expected to last for a minimum period of 3 months and for a maximum period of 6 to 9 months depending upon the individual’s progress and desire to achieve results.

Cognitome Program offers a highly individualistic & customized POA (Plan of Action) based on evaluation & results of everyone. It varies according to the type of issue individual is facing and its severity (mild, moderate, or intensive). Therefore, it may or may not be same for two individuals due to individual differences, progression & type of disorders & above all client’s own willingness.

Cognitome Program is a diversified set of tools, techniques and training used to induce neuroplastic changes and neuromodulations in the Brain. Use of customized POA by employing multiple rigorous strategies, imposed upon the brain the process of creating new neuropathways & paradigms starts. For example, activating Pre-frontal cortex area of the brain, one can improve attention & focus. Impulse control, memory, strategic planning, memory & reasoning, and cognitive flexibility. This helps to improve the functioning of brain & mind one gets the desired results to fulfill one’s aim and endure a healthy and happy life.

Cognitome Program strictly follows neuroscientific research protocols, training& therapeutic approach in a holistic & scientific manner for resolving brain & mind related issues.The role of neuroscience in the Cognitome Program can be understood by the following quotes mentioned by the famous neurologists, psychologists, and neuroscientists. "Plasticity is an intrinsic property of the human brain and represents evolution’s invention to enable the nervous system to escape the restrictions of its own genome and thus adapt to environmental pressures, physiologic changes, and experiences". — Philippa Perry, British Psychotherapist, Couch Fiction: A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy "Mr. L. did not get better all at once. He had first to experience cycles of separations, dreams, depressions, and insights—the repetition, or 'working through,' required for long-term neuroplastic change. New ways of relating had to be learned, wiring new neurons together, and old ways of responding had to be unlearned, weakening neuronal links. Because Mr. L. had linked the ideas of separation and death, they were wired together in his neuronal networks. Now that he was conscious of his association, he could unlearn it." ― Norman Doidge, The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science "Specifically, cognitive exercise – that is, activity that keeps the brain active, like crosswords, reading, driving, learning new skills, and having responsibilities – was protective." ― David Eagleman, The Brain: The Story of You

Our programs are customized as per individual needs which we assess through our detailed questionnaire / Client evaluation sheet followed by extensive tests/assessments. Accordingly, the program cost will defer depending on the customized Plan of Action (POA). Charges are non-refundable & non-transferable

We do not support processing of insurance claims at our end. We can, however, provide a detailed statement for you to submit to your insurance provider.

The number of sessions required may differ and will be decided by the results of evaluation/assessments/ individual’s treatment plan. Once the initial assessment is done, we will schedule a detailed session with you and provide you full details of the number of sessions required, the approach to be followed, timeline, cost etc.

Cognitive training, Mind Therapy, Brain education involves hard work and an individual’s therapeutic/successful outcome depends on his / her desire, dedication, effort, and motivation. Sometimes clients learn things about their situation and decide either not to proceed or participate reluctantly. In such cases, clients get little or no favorable results from their sessions/training/consultations.

There are no harmful side effects. Cognitome approach aims to provide structured, well planned, & evidence based therapeutic protocol for issues related to brain, mind and behavior along with effective brain-mind exercises.

Cognitome Program is highly specific, and tailor made for an Individual taking in to account all the results obtained after the extensive assessments and detailed evaluation. Moreover, if an individual is on medication for any of the mind and brain related issues, we do not advocate stopping the medication immediately. However, once you move along with our approach, you would yourself realize that the program is helping you move towards a medication free life and at that stage, in consultation with your doctor, you may reduce the medication gradually with an aim to eventually be not dependent on medication. However, if an Individual is undergoing any other non-pharmacologic treatment approaches it is suggested to stick to one Particular Protocol to ensure the scientific, linear, and non-interfering progress.

Yes, certainly. All communications of the clients who are undergoing Cognitome Program along with the records relating to the provisions of issues related to neurological disorders or psychological disorders or services related to the same are confidential and may not be disclosed without a clients (or guardians) written consent. Although, Limits on confidentiality may arise if we perceive a risk of harm in situations mentioned in our Privacy Policy Section.

We make sure that we engage with not more than 12 clients at a time. This ensures individual attention & quality of supervision given.

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