Cognitome LLC

An image with the title "Cognitome Program" showing the logo of the program with the letter "C" stylized in a unique way.

I-Blog-‘Cognizine’ v

An image of a person holding a pink slip, representing job loss.
Twists & Turns in Thinking Patterns: Cognitive Distortions
Cogito ergo sum-Informative section & posts related to cognition, cognitive functions & Skills
An image of a person named Ming with text that reads "Meet Ming".
A Biased Mind & Brain- Cognitive Biases
Informative section & posts related to function & structure of mind
cog 6
Toxic Positivity: An Elixir OR A Venom for Well Being & Mental Health?
Informative section & posts related to Emotions & Feelings
cog 2
Research & Review Articles
Informative section & articles related to Research & Development in Neuroscience & Psychology
Female Frontal Lobe - Anatomy Brain
The Judicious Front of the Brain: Pre-frontal Cortex (PFC)
Informative section & posts related to function, structure, connections of Brain & neurological disorders
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