Cognitome LLC

An image with the title "Cognitome Program" showing the logo of the program with the letter "C" stylized in a unique way.

Anjan S, 33/M,Indian, San Diego, USA

“Heartfelt thanks and a sincere note of appreciation for Dr. Mohita and the Cognitome Program that I had been undergoing with her able guidance from past 6 months. Cognitome Program has truly transformed my life for better. The PTSD induced psychological trauma and related cognitive decline I have been going through for last 3 years until I came to know about Dr. Mohita and this program devised by her. At present, I am in a very good psychological health with a high level of motivation & drive for life. Worth to mention that my cognitive abilities have also improved a lot and I am extremely happy with that. Thank you very much Cognitome!!!”

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